Then with summer comes all kinds of fun, like running through the sprinklers, sneaking the camera, and Lego creations.
Keyan is helping me build a website to showcase all his artwork, and even sell some of it. Check out his store by clicking me!

As for the castle things are progressing as well. Windows, doors, plumbing, HVAC, electrical and the roofing are all nearing completion. We even got the fireplace in! We found out the water in Riverton is like drinking from Utah Lake (which if you've never been it doesn't really have a bottom, just increasing levels of sludge). In other words we've had to install quite the water purification system at the last minute. Regardless of various issues that have come up we are getting very excited to move in!

Awesome that you can sell the kids' artwork! So cool. Your house is looking good, man. It will be awesome to bring a brand new little princess to the castle of her dreams! Mahdis is looking so great, too! Send her my love. I am impressed with the amount of reading she's getting in, too! I have yet to log one book on my profile at Goodreads.
I'm so excited for you guys! I love the artwork and am currently considering a hoodie. Good luck with the house and baby. Travis and I are following in your footsteps, expecting another boy this fall, and I hope they can be as cute as yours!
Cute idea for Keyan's art work! Mahdis is darling - anxious to see pics of the newly born princess! And could you come install one of those awesome corner bathtubs in my house? That rocks!
wow mahdis :)
house looks amazing
cant wait to come over
miss you all
Baby yet???? Please, details!!!
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