Monday, July 23, 2007

Camping out on Pipeline

Okay, so we aren't really camping out, but rather staying in a small complex of 4 houses just south of the famous "Pipeline" and "Backdoor" surf breaks on the North Shore (Oahu if you didn't know). My cousins Ken and Kathy have been gracious enough to let us take over this amazing place for a while. If you aren't familiar with this place, here's how it looks during the winter, and what makes it famous.

Mahdis is working up much more detailed reports for each day, but I figured I'd get some photos up as quickly as possible, click on them to see them larger.

We've spent some time with my Brother, Jason, and his family of girls, swimming, snorkeling and making smores at sunset.

We met Greg Noll today and got his and Rabbit's signatures in his book. And we've spent tons of time on that long walk from our place to the beach, I think its 9 stairs :), swiming, playing and checking out the amazing sunsets!

Check out the photos and keep checking back for more updates. Assuming we can get consistent access to the web, we're hoping to get shots up from Montreal, Niagra, Palmyra, Batavia, Manhattan, and Yellowstone, as we've been quite busy since we left Vermont.




ayme & jim said...

wow, wish i was there! we are missin' you guys mucho. rip it up keygers and ammers. give big hugs to the princess clan! love love love, ~ayme

ayme & jim said...

hey brenner,
keep those photos coming.
jim and i send big, wet, sandy hugs to all of you!

danelle said...

Bren & Mahdis, this is awesome to see your day by day fun. What an amazing time to be together. Give hugs all around from G'ma Nelle....

Unknown said...

So jealous.